In order to evolve towards a more sustainable cultivation system towards the pest Cacopsylla pyri, a highly active network of actors was build to bring together practical experiences from integrated cultivation, organic cultivation, orchard management and the experience in applied scientific research.
This operational group focuses on the following aspects:
- Data analysis: expanding data from applied research with up-to-date data / testimonies from the practice of integrated cultivation, organic cultivation and orchards, including the relationship fertilizer scheme and pear psyllid
- Practical implementation and validation of the developed models and apps
- Interactive sharing of experiences of learning from the different cultivation approaches.

Operational Group: OG2018-21
Contact: Tim Beliën ( and Renske Petré (renske.petré
Timing: 1/07/2019-30/06/2021
Financing: EIP (European Innovation Partnership) – Europees Landbouwfonds voor Plattelandsontwikkeling – Vlaamse Gemeenschap KBO-1KDH2AC-WT
Partnership: Nationale boomgaardenstichting (P. Van Laer); Leden IPM-telers; Leden biotelers - Bioforum vakgroep biologisch fruit (K. De Coninck)